Written and accurate as at: 14 Jan 2020
When focusing on the present and future, reflecting on the past can be a powerful exercise; reminding us of our accomplishments, and reaffirming our works in progress.
Each year, Google publishes a video showcasing the annual aggregated information from their Google Trends product. From an Australian context, here were some of the top searched personal finance topics and queries in 2019:
- Search topics: super; retirement; inheritance; annuity; lump sum; literacy; and, financial statement.
- Search queries: salary sacrifice; preservation age; ethical investments; and, defined benefit.
Lastly, to accompany the overall theme of this year’s video, we leave you with two inspirational quotes:
- “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” (Christopher Reeve).
- “Don’t forget, you are the hero of your own story.” (Greg Boyle).